Monday, January 30, 2012

Mondays-Love Day

I took a Resin class at Fusion beads on Saturday and the fabulous instructor told me someone inspired her to start her blog off every Monday with something positive. Post a picture of a heart and tell the world what you are thankful for. It sounds like a good start to a Monday. I think I'll give her a try!

I am thankful for:
~My health
~my loving mama
~my baby boy Diego
~my outlet for Art and creating

What is you thankfuls for?? <3 (my grammar Bunny?)


Love Card

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good Williams and DIY

I love Goodwill con una pasión (ay de mi). Aside from all the madness, treasures and one of a kinds you can find, Goodwill offers job training and so many other wonderful services. I had a night off tonight from my second job as a madre. Given my crazy mad day at work, I needed to relax and I needed to FREE my mind.

After work I drove straight to Good Williams and scanned the men's tee shirt section for beautiful colored tee's so I could make my own DIY recycled scarf! HOLLER. And...I DID IT.

Creating is my outlet and love. Here's to you Goodwill for your lovely recycled tee shirts and to the wonderful opportunities you make available to the people of the world....XOOX Leah P.

Goodwill Opportunities and Job Training

DIY Tee Shirt Scarf OMG-make one for a friend, or your granny or your pie maker or for Kent HAY. He loves recycled items.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life, Jewels and Other Madness: Viva Las Vegas: Camel Toe, Moustaches and Other Ma...

Life, Jewels and Other Madness: Viva Las Vegas: Camel Toe, Moustaches and Other Ma...: It has been a great while since I posted. This year I am going to try to be more consistent about posting and staying in contact with my peo...

Viva Las Vegas: Camel Toe, Moustaches and Other Madness...

It has been a great while since I posted. This year I am going to try to be more consistent about posting and staying in contact with my peoples of the world.

I recently returned from my first "real" trip to the one and only, Las Vegas. When I stepped off the plane, I instantly smelled alcohol, I heard so many languages and some New Yorkers gettin pissy and then I saw the most beautiful women in sparkling glitter heals, dresses, tank tops, etc. And I thought, "these women are really making my camel toe look bad." :-) Yes I am obsessed with camel toes and mustaches. Get to know me.

Some people hate Vegas. Some love it. I observed life in Vegas. I inhaled it. I watched people. Some were sad, losing everything they had at a poker table, others were crazy drunk Americans, couples in love, couples bickering, bachelorettes, brides. I saw everything under the sun in Vegas.

I walked through the Venetian and imagined I was in Italy. When the gondola passed by I heard a lovely voice singing in Italian. I continued my journey and marveled at Caesar's Place, the bright lights, the beautiful people, but most of all the history of Las Vegas. Think of everyone that has performed there, lived there, died there.

I saw my fist Vegas Show. Viva Elvis Cirque Du Soleil. Thirty minutes into the show I had tears streaming down my face. I have loved Elvis since I was a young woman. I'm not quite sure why. He was a womanizer, some called him a racist, others (like my stepfather) said he ruined Rhythm and Blues. He was passionate about life and the boy loved his mother like no other. He loved Silla. He could move like an animal, he served his country and for some reason I simply heart the man and his awful sad sad eyes.

I learned a lot in Vegas as I always do when I travel. I learned more about myself: the good, bad and the ugly. I am blessed to have been with my mom. She held my hand when the plan took of each way. I was shaking, I was sick, I had my eyes closed and ear plugs in. She was with me the whole time.

I did not get drunk in Vegas. I did not go dancing at a night club, but I did dance to my own tune, throughout the casinos, when we entered the store, "It Sugar" (Alicia Keys Unthinkable was playing and I could not for the life of me stop moving my "pelvis" if you will).

I did not lose my clothes or my Heart in Vegas. I did lose some money because I was one of the millions that just really wanted to win a few grand and I knew I could do it if I just kept putting that money in...eventually I would win. I did win some and then lost it all again.

The last night I was in Vegas. I walked down the strip from Treasure Island to the new Cosmopolitan Hotel. It was Saturday night. Lights, awful sugary drinks for $9, where the hell is the liquor? It was freezing. The Christmas tree was still up at the Venetian, Santa was singing and as I walked home, I closed my eyes and let the cold wind hit me. I took it all in: the glitz, the sound of the slot machines, the faces of the dealers, the highest heels I've seen, the shortest minis I've seen. I could almost see the Snapper, oh my. I thought of Elvis and every rock n roll band that had crashed a Vegas hotel and made history on stage. I took it in and knew my time was over. I loved it.

I had a different Vegas experience. I didn't get laid or trashed or forget what country I was in. I guess it was a mind hump...and a damn good one I might add.

Thank you Mama aka Mildred June, Robin, Emma June, Mitsy and Megan for wonderful Vegas memories and CTs (Camel Toes...DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)

Happy Birthday Elvis Aaron Presley...I send you butterfly kisses in heaven.